Sunday, November 24, 2013

Youth Camp

Thank you to the donors that made it possible for youth at Worldwide Heart to Heart Children's Village to attend youth camp. Thirty individuals were sponsored and had the opportunity, to travel, play, worship, and ultimately grow closer to God at the camp near Lake Yojoa, Honduras.

Many of these youth wrote Thank you letters to their donor. Here are a few excerpts from the letters they wrote:

"I want to say thanks to you and to God for your help!! I want to talk about the camp. I had a very good trip, and I'm so happy because it was my first time to go to camp. In the camp, I had many good days, and I felt the Holy Spirit, and I danced and cried."-WR

"Thank you for supporting us so that we could go to camp. Being there was so much fun, having competitions, sports time, and especially worshiping God. Thank you for the love you have shown to Heart to Heart."-AC

"I just want to say thanks for giving me an opportunity to go to camp...We sang and danced to the Lord in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The pastor prayed for us and later we played fun games...I really feel that God changed my life, and now I am very happy." -LF

"I know that God put love in your heart. God is amazing and in camp I learned that He always will love me in the good and the bad. I will be praying for you and I don't want you to ever forget God's love and mercy. I will pray for more blessings for you. Thank you very much."-LM

"The time at camp was beautiful. Overall we learned about the love that God has for each one of us...We also sang and danced a lot...Thank you for everything because this was my first time to go to camp. If it wasn't for you, I would not have gone." -OR