Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

           As we enter a new decade, many of us are thinking about what we were doing 10 years ago. In 2010, I was preparing to transfer to UTC to study nursing, getting married to my love Marvin, and dreaming of the ways that God would use us for His glory. Ten years later, we are not where we expected to be, but we believe that God is using us and growing us where we are.

We are so grateful to have two children and are thankful for the joy and health that they each have. Our son Thomas is 5 years old and started Kindergarten this year. He loves Kindergarten, and we are amazed at the way he is learning to write, read, understand math, and even relate to peers. We were challenged physically, financially, and emotionally this year as Thomas had to undergo 2 different surgeries for unrelated health problems. He is doing great now and ready to grow and learn in 2020. Our daughter Joanna recently turned 3 years old and started in a Spanish immersion class at her preschool. Her personality has blossomed this year. She loves to compliment people, give tight hugs, and be silly like her big brother and daddy. 

Marvin and I both work full time in downtown Chattanooga. He is continuing to do metal work for JDH Roofing Company and enjoys the challenges and rewards that this job brings. I am working at a non-profit pediatric clinic LifeSpring Community Health. I feel like many God given gifts are utilized there as I compassionately provide medical care and health education to children and families in the Chattanooga area. 

Manuel and Josue, who lived with us in Honduras in 2016-2017, are both 19 years old now. They have continued to succeed as independent young adults in Honduras although not without challenges. Josue transferred out of the public university and into a private university that allows him to study medicine. His dream is to become a doctor. His favorite classes this year were Research Methods and Biochemistry. Manuel has faced many frustrations in the public university where he was unable to attend weeks of classes due to political strikes and riots. He had hoped to graduate with an English degree, but the delays in education have helped him decide to leave the university. This month he will be starting an English program where he hopes to become a proficient translator and graduate this year. Both young men are moving back to San Pedro Sula after living in Tegucigalpa for 1 year to be closer to their families.   

Marvin’s sister Leidy (16 years old) moved in with their older sister Telma and her 2 children at the beginning of 2019. There is no high school in Las Flores where Leidy grew up, but she was excited about the opportunity to continue studying where her sister lives. She will graduate in December of 2020 with her high school degree. Most of this past year her rheumatoid arthritis was under control, but a recent flare up has her taking more medicines than before and trying to balance the benefits of medications with the terrible side effects. We pray that her body will be healed from this painful, chronic illness.

The year 2020 brings with it much excitement! We are looking forward to a trip to Honduras in April to spend time with family and friends that we love and miss so much. Both of my sisters are pregnant, and I have the opportunity to go to Oregon to meet my nephew about 4 weeks after the due date. We will celebrate our 10th anniversary in December and hope to host more s’mores nights at our Hixson home. I look forward to more quality time with Marvin, Thomas and Joanna as we all continue to learn what it means to love unconditionally and be loved unconditionally. 

I hope you too would know the unconditional love of Christ in this year to come. You are valued. You are loved…no matter what. Happy New Year!