Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I would NEVER do that!!!

Have you ever felt invincible? Like nothing can stop you, nobody can tell you "no." Have you ever thought, "That'll never happen to me!" It is easy to consider ourselves strong, when in reality we are weak. It is only through Christ that we have the strength to overcome tempation, diversity, and the challenges we face in life.

Much of Jesus's time was used to disciple 12 men. One of them, Judas, heard Jesus speaking of the one who would betray him and spoke up saying, "Surely not I, Rabbi?" (Matthew 26:25) He doubted his own weakness. Another of the 12, Peter, listened as Jesus spoke of the challenges he would face leading up to his crucifixion. Jesus spoke knowing that the disciples would be scattered, but Peter did not consider himself weak like the others. "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will." (Matthew 26:33) And as Jesus spoke of Peter denying/disowning him, Peter claimed, "I will never disown you." (Matthew 26:35)

Rather than be confident of our commitment to the Lord, what if instead we acknowledged our Humanness? What if we accepted our weakness and asked God for his strength? I like to think that there are things that I would NEVER do, NEVER think. But the truth is, I think bad things, do bad things. So instead of hiding in my own shame or becoming prideful in false confidence, I choose to admit that I am weak, but God, WOW....God is strong, God is compassionate, God is good!

"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!" (1 Corinthians 10:12)

Judas and Peter were not willing to admit their weaknesses, and they both did exactly what they said they would NEVER do. Don't be afraid to admit your weaknesses, for only through that, will you find true strength- through Christ!