Saturday, August 3, 2013

Father and Mother

Time to leave my father and mother as I have been united with my husband and go where God is calling. My parents are not easy people to leave, even for 5 months. They are so kind, hard working, generous, and funny that Marvin and I enjoy soaking up every moment with them. We have enjoyed bowling with my father, sewing with my mom, and many dinners, vacations, and discussions together.

My father shared these words of wisdom with me years ago, "We cannot judge God's love by our circumstances, by our friends or lack of them, by our job or lack of it, by our wealth or poverty, or by our health or illness. His love stands like gravity - a part of the reality of our world and yet even beyond our physical world...Believe it, feel it, and live it, and it will be a part of you - with times of sadness and happiness, hope or despair - always there."

My parents have been willing to share their wisdom when asked and have shown constant love for others because of their love for Christ. Thank you Mama and Daddy for accepting, encouraging, and loving us in our journey with Christ. We love you and look forward to seeing you soon.

Blessings and Love,
Karen Ramos