A beautiful flower in front of the CASITA where we live. The view will never get old. Each day in this home is an incredible blessing! |
Honestly, April was a hard month for me- emotionally, physically, spiritually. It is hard for me to even write this update because I think over half of the days in April I was in bed with a migraine or battling the nausea that comes with the incredible blessing of another BABY on the way! I have been feeling much better lately and just finished the first trimester. We are so thankful for God's plans and His generosity with our family. Despite our weaknesses and our constant need for Christ, He has been kind enough to entrust us with another life.
Seeing Little Ramos for the first time via ultrasound |
Thomas doesn't really know what's coming, but he is definitely excited! |
Not only have we been shown great generosity, but we have also been called to show this to others. We were on a roller coaster this month while discerning God's calling in our lives- calling to give of our time, belongings, future plans, etc. Even while trying to be generous, our own selfish desires often arose and caused strife in our home. Thankfully, we received counsel and encouragement from close family and friends and have seen the reality of this verse play out in our lives:
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
We were especially blessed this month with a visit from a dear friend Elizabeth Burgess. About 5 years ago, Elizabeth and her husband Brian invited us to live in their home. They heard about our heart for Honduras and missions and wanted to support us in any way possible. It was the best gift ever. We lived with them for over a year, and we have no hesitations in calling them FAMILY. They have 2 beautiful sons who we have enjoyed seeing grow from babies into boys.
Elizabeth and Thomas looking out over the canal |
Josue, Karen, Elizabeth, Manuel, Marvin, and Thomas walking at Las Glorias with a great view of Lake Yojoa |
During Elizabeth's visit, she did art projects and math bingo with the girls at Eternal Family Project. She also joined us at the House of Blessing for a meal, worship, and Bible study. Elizabeth and a small group from her church in Florida were also able to bless the ministries here with donations- school shoes, games, towels, Bibles, toothpaste, etc. and she blessed us with many items that can't be found here. She is loved and appreciated not just by me, but by many here. Our boys, Manuel and Josué especially liked having her around. Late night games of UNO helped them to connect despite the language barrier, and of course Thomas loved seeing his Aunt Beth. Thank you for taking the time to come and invest in the work being done here!
Elizabeth with the third and fourth graders at Eternal Family Project's Learning Center- Yolani, Jenci, and Estefani |
Number recognition Bingo with first and second grade- Ana, Nahomy, Emily, and Asly |