I got called in last night at 8:30pm, as I was getting into bed,
to help with an emergency in Loma de Luz Hospital (Cornerstone Foundation). There haven't been any patients admitted here this
past week so I was eager to work. One emergency quickly turned into 3
emergencies. Our patients consisted of
a young man who had been attacked with a machete and left with a deep wound on his face,
an older man who was poisoned with Round-up and was unresponsive, and
a little boy with a high fever, diarrhea, and vomiting, who looked like he
was wasting away. For me, this evening lasted almost 4 hours: from the
time I got the call and arose from the bed to the time I returned to it.
For the nurses, doctors, missionaries here, this type of evening is not uncommon and
the heartbreak is unending.
Hospital Loma de Luz |
The gate to the Hospital that welcomes in emergencies, volunteers, workers, clinicians, laboring mothers, sick children, and suffering adults states "Dios obra aqui." This simple phrase means "God works here." It is so evident that this simple statement is true. God is at work here in the lives of patients through the many hands that work here. Please pray for the workers in these departments: maintenance, cleaning, security, nursing, laboratory, pharmacy, clerical. Also, pray for the missionaries and their families who are here serving the Lord and loving unconditionally to the broken hearts in Balfate, Honduras and surrounding areas.