Monday, June 10, 2013


Many churches and organizations find it challenging to bring people together in a community. Marvin and I have faced this challenge while working with Hixson UMC. We are constantly looking for creative ways to be involved in the community and meet more people. While visiting Las Flores, we learned that this is not an issue there as long as you have a piñata. 

We asked Marvin's sister Leidy to invite some kids over to play with the piñata. She ran down the dirt path excited to include friends, cousins, and neighbors in this rare experience. Soon she returned home with many children and their parents. 

Some of the children that came to play with the piñata 
It was great to meet more families in the area and see the parents' laugh and smile as their children were able to participate in the fun. We don't know what our outreach will be like in the future, but I am sure this was not our last piñata.

Blessings and Love,
Karen Ramos