Josue, Marvin, Joanna, Karen, Thomas, and Manuel |
This month has been challenging for Manuel and Josue as the stresses of classes, a science fair, college entrance exam, applications, 3rd quarter exams, and their class's social service project have filled their schedules. It is also stressful for us to balance our love between baby, toddler, teens, and spouse. God has truly blessed us with wisdom and strength to get through this past month as we demonstrate and receive love and forgiveness. As a human, it is our nature to complain and point out the negative in each day, but that is not the attitude that God desires from us.
Josue participated in Pendulum Art at the science fair |
Manuel learned the nutritional benefits of Coconuts as part of his science fair project |
Phillipians 4:12-13 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
His desire for us is peace, hope, joy. Through Him, we can learn to be "content in any and every situation." As I see other people stress about things, their negativity gets to me, and then I realize that I myself am drawn towards that same negativity.
Beautiful flower near Lake Yojoa |
A fellow missionary shared this on Facebook recently: "Life in Honduras: The roads have potholes. I saw cockroaches in the cupboard. The internet is slow. A rat once crawled through a hole in my window. It rains just about every day. Poverty is everywhere. Few claim to know Christ. The roads have potholes - that means I have a car to drive. I saw cockroaches in the cupboard - that means I have food. The internet is slow - that means I have a computer. A rat once crawled through a hole in my window - that means I have a house to live in. It rains just about every day - that means the crops will grow. Poverty is everywhere - that means I have people to bless. Few claim to know Christ - that means I can share the Gospel." (Tim A. Setliff)
I appreciated his honest reminder about the things we have been blessed with, a car, computer, home, food, and the reality that not everyone has such great riches. There are so many opportunities to share love in this world no matter where we live, but our own attitudes determine what people see in us. It is easy to show negativity, sarcasm, frustration, but instead let's choose to show contentment, joy, and peace despite our circumstances. By doing this, we can get the focus off of ourselves and point others to Christ.
Mark 12:29-31 “The most important [commandement],” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Enjoyed a visit from Oscar, Amy, and teen girls from Worldwide Heart to Heart |
Thank you Hixson UMC Wesley Class for our special dinner out- what a treat! |
Hanging out in Pena Blanca with Wendy during her week long visit with us |
Siblings- Wendy, Marvin, Josue, Susana |
Wendy and Thomas gathering the dried coffee beans |
Maria, Marvin's mom, working hard as usual |
Thomas loves his Abuelo Orlando |
Everyone was excited when Orlando could visit (Marvin and Josue's dad) |
Josue sliding into the pool |
Manuel relaxing with Joanna |