Monday, July 15, 2013

What's next?

Marvin and I are often asked "What's next?"

August 5- December 27, we will be in Honduras volunteering with various mission organizations. We will be back in the states during 2014 to discern what God's next step is for us and to continue learning and serving through work and church. We do not have a set itinerary for our trip to Honduras and are open to going where God calls for our time there. We hope to improve our skill set and knowledge so that we'll be able to meet the spiritual and physical needs in the community, to serve our neighbors and demonstrate Christ love to them, and to support and learn from local ministries that are sharing the gospel in Honduras.

Lord willing, we will be working with the following mission organizations:

Cornerstone Foundation:

Worldwide Heart to Heart Ministries:

Eternal Family Project:

We will also spend time in Las Flores to get to know the community, culture, and needs of the families and individuals where we feel called to serve.

"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." -Proverbs 16:9

Map of Honduras showing the areas where we hope to serve in GREEN

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thanks to Hixson UMC

It was so great to see how the church family at Hixson UMC united to supply donations to families in Honduras. From homemade totes and soap to hundreds of pens and pencils, we were overwhelmed with the incredible support. We wish to offer our sincere gratitude to all those who gave and prayed. God truly used you to be a blessing to us and to those in Honduras. THANK YOU!

Packed the luggage strategically to get it to the mountains

Wil, Marvin, and Jane waiting with the some of the bags at the Atlanta airport